陳情令 主題曲 無羈 The Untamed


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聞笛聲 獨惆悵 雲深夜未央
Hearing the flute, feeling blue. 
Clould is deep yet night is young.

是與非 都過往 醒來了 怎能當夢一場
Right or wrong passes in flee.
Wake up, only to find an empty dream.

紅塵中 毀譽得失如何去量
How to weigh the tears and laughs, mundane flashes are nothing.

As hot as the blood, as cold as the blades.

山高水遠 又聞琴響
Somewhere in high hill or lake afar, the Qin was heard again long.

陳情未絕 臥荻花月如霜
The flute continues, silk flowers submerged with moonlight cream.

煮一壺生死悲歡 祭少年郎 明月依舊何來悵惘
Warm a pot of vicissitudes to memorize the youth.
Why sorrow since moon remains the same?

不如瀟瀟灑灑 歷遍風和浪
Why not live at will and go for great adventures.

Echos a melody from afar.

穿萬水 過千山 路盡人茫茫
Topping the mount, trudging the mire.
Journey ends, people gone.

是與非 都過往 醒來了 就當它夢一場
Right or wrong passes in flee.
Wake up, only to find an empty dream.

紅塵中 毀譽得失如何去量
How to weigh the tears and laughs, mundane flashes are nothing.

As hot as the blood, as cold as the blades.

山高水遠 又聞琴響
Somewhere in high hill or lake afar, the Qin was heard again long.

陳情未絕 笑世事多無常
The flute continues, laughing at the mutability of life.

煮一壺生死悲歡 祭少年郎 明月依舊何來悵惘
Warm a pot of vicissitudes to memorize the youth.
Why sorrow since moon remains the same?

不如坦坦蕩蕩 歷遍風和浪
Why not live at will and go for great adventures.

Echos a melody from afar.

煮一壺生死悲歡 祭少年郎 明月依舊何來悵惘
Warm a pot of vicissitudes to memorize the youth.
Why sorrow since moon remains the same?

不如坦坦蕩蕩 歷遍風和浪
Why not live at will and go for great adventures.

Echos a melody from afar.

Echos a melody from afar.


flee  v. 逃離;逃避 (in flee ??)
mundane adj. 世俗的;世界的
blade n. 刀身,劍身;刀片;葉片,葉身
Qin n. 琴(音譯)
silk adj. 絲的;絲織的;絲狀的,像絲的
silk flowers ( = flowers of reed?)  
荻:a kind of reed
submerged adj. 在水中的;淹沒的;埋沒的;隱匿的
vicissitudes n. 變遷,世事變化
remain v. 剩下,餘留;繼續存在
mount n.
turdge v. 
mire n. 泥沼;汙泥;困境
journey n. 旅行;旅程,行程
mutability n. 易變性;性情不定


The promotion song of this song was sung by Chou Bibi and was released on July 22, 2019. The theme song version of the chorus of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo and the solo version of the two were also released.

無羈 肖戰、王一博合唱版 The Untamed: Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo
無羈 肖戰獨唱版 The Untamed: Xiao Zhan
無羈 王一博獨唱版 The Untamed: Wang Yibo


  As the theme song, the ending song, and the only second song to be played in the play (the other is "Discontented"), this song is a confession song made by Lan Zhan to Wei Ying in the play. It was also the clue that Lan Zhan recognized him after Wei Ying came back. Lan Zhan once told Wei Ying the name of the song in Xuanwu Cave, but Wei Ying was in a coma, so neither the audience nor Wei Ying heard that the song was actually called "Forget Xian".


玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


板橋港仔嘴 信仰 港仔嘴福德宮