陳情令 令人折服的命名3 - 藍湛 Admirable Naming 3 - Lan Zhan

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  Lan Zhan's courtesy name is Wangji, and his pseudonym is Hanguang Jun. Lan Zhan's "Zhan (湛)" and supporting role Jiang Cheng's "Cheng (澄)" both have "clear (清澈), lit: 
water so clear you can see the bottom" meanings. However, the word "Zhan (湛)" also has the meaning of profound knowledge, and of course it should be used on the protagonist who is set as a master of learning in the drama. And these two often in the dialogue, like a clear stream, reflecting Wei Ying's unconscious subconsciousness. It's also the author's ingenuity.

  同樣意思的字還有澈、清等,但為什麼不用呢?「湛」音同「戰」,藍湛的武力值在劇中是戰神等級,可以一擋百,繞著魏嬰斬眾傀儡,不讓魏嬰受半分傷害(第45集6分);另外還有為嬰而「戰」的意思,這在《隨記07 陰鐵出寒潭 放燈許心願》中有闡明,就不再重複,請自行點閱;「湛」又與「顫」音同,藍湛的氣場高冷,同輩如懷桑與江澄及其他小輩們,是不會主動去招惹他的。只有膽大技高又特愛挑戰權威的魏嬰,喜歡時不時的去戳戳他,就算讓他生氣也無所謂;對聰明、充滿創意的頑皮孩子來說,這是種超有成就感的生活樂趣。

  There are other words with the same meaning, such as Che (澈) and Qing (清), but why not use it? The sound of "Zhan (湛)" is the same as "War (戰)." Lan Zhan's force value is the God of War level in the play. He can block hundred enemies by himself, go around Wei Ying and cut all the puppets, so that Wei Ying will not be hurt a little bit (EP45, 6:00). In addition, there is also the meaning of "fighting for Wei Ying", which is clarified in "隨記07 陰鐵出寒潭 放燈許心願", so I won't repeat it. "Zhan (湛)" has the same sound as "tremor (顫)". Lan Zhan's aura is high and cold, and his peers such as Huai Sang, Jiang Cheng and other juniors will not take the initiative to provoke him. Only Wei Ying, who is bold and skilled and loves to challenge authority, likes to poke him from time to time, even if it makes him angry. For clever, creative and naughty children, this is a super fulfilling joy in life.


  Lan Zhan, who has never had a friend, did not consciously identify with Wei Ying because the feeling Wei Ying gave him was the same as the feeling when he met his mother when he was young (would take the initiative to tease him). Although he has a stubborn personality, his face and mouth remain unchanged, but his physical actions have already revealed clues.

  第一條線索在哪?在魏嬰和藍湛第一次打鬥後,藍湛捉了魏嬰到藍老及藍大面前時(第3集27分),魏嬰一開心的靠近他,他就後退了一步,並握緊了劍。這是個心頭一緊的表現,也應該是讀弟機(藍大的外號)接收到藍湛喜歡魏嬰訊號的來源 - 藍湛從不會因任何人而緊張;所以才有後面那幕表達認同弟弟交魏嬰這個朋友的對話。

  Where is the first clue? After Wei Ying and Lan Zhan fought for the first time, when Lan Zhan caught Wei Ying in front of Old Master Lao and  Zewu Jun (EP3,27:00), as soon as Wei Ying approached him happily, he took a step back and held the sword tight. This is an expression of a tight heart, and it should also be the source of the signal that Lan Zhan likes Wei Ying. Lan Zhan never gets nervous because of anyone. That's why in the latter scene, Zewu Jun expressed his approval of Lan Zhan and Wei Ying making friends.

There are other things I want to say on the Internet. Please post them directly below for your reference. (English translation part translated by myself.)


  Blue is the color of trust, loyalty, and honesty. So it always makes people feel sincere, reserved, and quiet. Blue is a color that doesn't like to attract attention or grandstanding. It likes to practice life in its own way.

Original URL:http://womany.net/read/article/7582


"Wangji (忘機)" means "without calculating the scheming of others, and taking a light look at the disturbances in the world." In "Three Kingdoms: Gao Rou Biography", there is a man who lives by the sea and loves seagulls. He goes to the beach every morning and plays with them. Later, his father said, "I heard that seagulls are all playing with you. You take the opportunity to catch a few and let me play too." The next day, he came to the sea and wanted to catch seagulls. Because of his "intent", the seagulls refused to fall.


  In the Song Dynasty, a qin master named Liu Zhifang composed a piece of music called "Oulu Wangji (鷗鷺忘機), lit: Seagulls don't Mine", and another name is "Wangji (忘機)". ...... And Lan Zhan's qin is called "Wangji".


  "Hanguang" means harmony and light, which means that the inner connotation is not exposed. It is a metaphor for virtue and mellowness. ...The so-called "Mr. Hanguang" is the most virtuous gentleman whose inner brilliance is not exposed.

Original URL:http://read01.com/7RPNDzN.html



玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


板橋港仔嘴 信仰 港仔嘴福德宮