陳情令 令人折服的命名2 - 魏嬰 Admirable Naming 2 - Wei Ying

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  Wei Ying's courtesy name is Wuxian (無羨, means no envy). Why is his family name Wei (魏)? Why the name Ying (嬰, means baby)? 
The original work is titled "Mo Dao Zu Shi (魔道祖師; lit. 'Demonic Path Ancestral Master')", referring to the protagonist who later became the ancestor of the Demon Tao (Yiling Patriarch). In addition, he is the "0" number in Danmei, so of course he must be called Wei Ying. Because after you split his name, you will see that he is "a girl regarded as a treasure by eight thousand female ghosts"!

    Wei = eight thousand female ghosts

    Ying = a girl regarded as a treasure


  People who watch the drama version for the first time are less able to appreciate the profound meaning of the drama. In order to pass the trial, the drama version buried the emotional lines of the two male protagonists very deeply. Three supporting actresses were also used to confuse the audience's emotional perception of the characters in the play. 
The first time I watched it, I thought it was a brotherly drama like "Nirvana in Fire". This is also the reason why this drama is so memorable. It is interesting to look through fragments detectively to find sugar (find out hidden emotional details).


  In addition to the nickname "Wifi (無線)" because of its homophony, the word "Wuxian (無羨)" also has at least three homophonic meanings, namely "unlimited (無限)", "no entrapping (無陷)" and "no sacrifice (無獻)". 

  Unlimited: except for Wei Ying's free and easy personality that echoes Jiang clan of Yunmeng's "feel free" (EP2, 41:46). Have you found it? Wei Ying is still a great inventor. The "Stygian Lure Falg'' in EP1, the compass in EP2, the "Binding'' in EP8, the "Devil Scatter Spell'' in EP11... repeatedly emphasized to the audience Wei Wuxian's unlimited creativity and invent ability.


Children from all families who go to the Lan clan to listen to school will abide by the Lan clan principles. But Wei Ying prefers "to attempt the impossible" and getting adoptive father to be talked with the Old Master Lan. When listening to school, he did not shy away from the so-called "distorted road", and proposed to the Old Master Lan that "spiritual energy is energy... why can't resentful energy also be used by humans?", and even practiced it personally. In this world, it seems that apart from his own mind and body, there is no one or anything that can restrict him who is brave to break the rules. Even without the golden core, you can use Chenqing and Stygian Tiger Amulet to disintegrate the more and more puppet army.

  這部劇的英文名叫The Untamed,意即未被馴服的,和片尾曲(藍湛為魏嬰作的曲)的名字「無

  The English name of this drama is The Untamed, which echoes the name "The Untamed" of the ending song (Lan Zhan’s song for Wei Ying). It must be a high-level text line group! The name Wang Xian (忘羨) was too explicit, so they changed the name to Wu Ji (無機). 
Then they changed a homophone, and it was tied to the meaning of unlimited (無限) again, it was perfect.


  "No entrapping (無陷)" is mentioned in the article "Xue Chonghai", so I won't repeat it. If you are curious, please click on the link of Xue Chonghai!


  The part of "no sacrifice (無獻)" is in the article of "Xue Yang", please click the link to read it.


Other good explanations on the Internet

「嬰」出自《道德經》,嬰兒在道家中占有重要地位,從「專氣致柔,能如嬰兒乎?」 、「我濁泊兮,其未兆;沌沌兮,如嬰兒之未孩。」、「常德不離,復歸於嬰兒。」這些句子能看出,嬰在道家中的地位,是多麼的重要。羨羨的母親是藏色散人,大家都是修道中的人,所以說他的這個名字自然就是與道家有關了。嬰兒心靈渾樸,無知無欲,他的母親給他的這個名字的寓意很明顯了。




玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


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