陳情令 令人折服的命名10 - 羅青羊(棉棉) Admirable Naming 10 - Luo Qingyang (Mianmian)

  After watching "Legend Of Fei" first, I watched "The Untamed " because I liked the hero Wang Yibo. In addition to Yibo, the two dramas have another thing in common, that is, they both emphasize that "Most of the rumors on the world are not to be trusted". (Ep 37, 28:13. What Wei Ying said to Xue Yang, and what Wei Ying was misunderstood by the world).

  綿綿出場次數不多,但每次出場都會讓人看到她的優點,諸如細心、有分寸、有正義感與果斷。作為戲中唯一以美滿人生收場的女性角色,她的名字竟然在最後一次出場時才讓觀眾知道叫「青羊」(第43集最後段)。以那麼多的優點烘托一個角色,卻在最後才告訴觀眾她叫青羊,不知是不是又一個精心安排 - 再次強調「傳言大多不可信」!
Mianmian has few appearances, but every time she appears, people will see her advantages, such as being careful, measured, having a sense of justice and decisiveness. As the only female character in the play that ended with a happy life, her name was only known to the audience as "Qingyang" in her last appearance. With so many advantages to set off a character, but only at the end tell the audience that her name is Qingyang, I don't know if it is another carefully arranged - again emphasizing that "most of the rumors are not credible"!

  What's wrong with being called Qingyang? In addition to a Taoist temple with a long history in China called Qingyang Palace, Qingyang is actually a "legendary evil spirit" in ancient China. Such a girl, how can you say she is a villain? Is it from the point of view of the monsters she solved? So 
"Most of the rumors on the world are not to be trusted".



玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


板橋港仔嘴 信仰 港仔嘴福德宮