陳情令 人物曲 不忘(藍湛) The Untamed Character Song: Indelibility (Zhan)

Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version


雲深夜微涼 皎月清風拂心繞
Tender is the night, cool and cloudy
Breeze brushed over my heart under the moonlit sky.

一人對雪望 望盡前塵事過往
Snows swirling, a man stands alone
looking into the past through the snowflakes.

姑蘇天子笑 埋雪獨藏風華貌
As we are young the aroma of Emperor's Smile of Gusu
leaks into the chilly air above the snow covered yard.

靜室琴聲遙 彈一曲問靈空迴響
Melodious tweedle of Qin from the Forbidden Chamber
lingers without response from his spirit.

你還在問嗎 問盡古來世人的痴狂
Aer you still playing the Qin adn looking for him?
The answer is the obsession towards that unfulfilled love.

誰又在遠方 再問世間故人黑白毀譽幾多量
Who'a in afar,
asking how can we judge this mundane word and the past?

還能忘記嗎 雲深共許一諾人茫茫
Can we forget it,
the promise made in Cloud Recesses as we've parted?

君又在何方 相望不忘
Where are you now?
We are together so long as we remember each other.

澤世韻含光 逢亂必出聲名揚
Hanguang Jun was born in a reputed family
and was praised for his chivalrous deeds.

他卻不肯忘 踏盡前塵事過往
But he refused to forget
the past between them

避塵錚鳴響 難避恩怨是非狂
Dirt-eschewing though in his hand,
he is unable to eschew this complicated world.

靜室琴聲遙 彈一曲問靈空迴響
The Qin is resounding 
but without his response.

你還在問嗎 問盡古來世人的痴狂
Are you still playing the Qin and looking for him?
The answer is the obsession towards that unfulfilled love.

誰又在遠方 再問世間故人黑白毀譽幾多量
Who's in afar,
asking how can we judge this mundane word and the past?

還能忘記嗎 雲深共許一諾人茫茫
Can we forget it,
the promise made in Cloud Recesses as we've parted?

君又在何方 相望不忘
Where are you now?
We are together so long as we remember each other.

你還在問嗎 不問古今世人的痴狂
Are you still playing the Qin and looking for him?
The answer isn't about the obsession towards that unfulfilled love.

誰又在遠方 難解世間故人黑白毀譽幾多量
Who's in afar,
confusing how can we judge this mundane word and the past?

還能忘記嗎 看客散去唯你我不忘
Can we forget it?
Only we remember it after all become past.

與君在身旁 別來無恙
Only if you are here
all's well and we remain the same.


  The prelude of this song was a solo of Qin at first, and then added a little soundtrack before adding the sound of the Xiao (Chinese Vertical Bamboo Flute) . It seems to be describing Lan Zhan's loneliness in his youth and discussing matters only with his older brother.


About two minutes later, when the first "we are together so long as we remember each other." the sound of the Chinese Flute began to appear. After that, the flute sound will shuttle in the song either guest or master. It is very like that after Wei Ying appeared in Lan Zhan's life, he actively or passively came together with Lan Zhan.


  In the second "we are together so long as we remember each other.", an abrupt variation of the tune was inserted. It is like describing the conflict between the two after Wei Ying came back from Burial Mounds, and all the events that separated the two after the Qiongqi Road. Every time I hear this, my nose will be sour.


  The calm perform after the variation is an ensemble of Chinese Flute and Qin. It should be said that after all the hardships, the two finally met again, and Lan Zhan was no longer alone playing the Qin.


  The last line of the lyrics "All's well and we remain the same" gives a feeling of "Fortunately, Wei Ying is back." I wonder if everyone feels the same? I am not very knowledgeable in music. If there is a mistake in the sound of any instrument, please feel free to correct me.

Next:Beyond Control (Xichen)

Prev:The Ending Melody of Chen Qing (Ying)

歌詞分析文:[心得] 陳情令歌曲賞析_藍忘機〈不忘〉(雷)
Lyric analysis text

Discussion articles about Lan Zhan in this blog:
1.令人折服的命名3 - 藍湛
1.Admirable naming3 - Lan Zhan

Diversity essay discussion in this blog:
分集隨記01 莫玄羽捨身 魏無羨重生


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