陳情令 人物曲 曲盡陳情(魏嬰) The Untamed Character Song: The Ending Melody of Chen Qing (Ying)

官方版無英譯,此篇依Chiisaineko Chan發表於YouTube上的MV抄打。
There is no English translation of the official MV. The translation here is based on the transcript of the MV published by Chiisaineko Chan on YouTube.

Singer : Xiao Zhan

縱棹趁夜風小眠 載一舟江煙
Take a rest in a swaying boat and enjoy the breeze;
the boat was fully loaded with the mist.

晚來攬星歸 摘片柳葉吹徹天邊
As the night comes, I return with stars shining above
and picked a leave of willow to play a tune.

展開泛黃的紙鳶 回首舊人間
Fly a discoloring paper kite,
I recalled the past time.

江燈飄搖遠 往事隨波如又一篇
Snots of light above the water were far away
and the past gone with the waves.

高台倚欄前 銜杯觀花滿長街
I once leaned against the railing on the high stand
or drank in an inn in the street and enjoyed the colorful lanterns.

玄武洞天 也曾澆血洗劍
Inside the cave of mythic creature Xuanwu
I fought bravely with blood shed.

譏評堪過耳 心本勇絕何懼人言
All gossips are nothing to me
since I'm determined and fearless.

縱入火海 仍抱懷垂憐
Even if I was burned by fired myself,
I sympathized with the others.

也曾笑奪酒罈 劍挑姑蘇十里春
I also once quaffed down the liquor
and practiced the sword in beautiful spring of Gusu

無關生死事 老來盡作江湖詩中人
Not afraid of death.
I want to become a hero recorded in the literary works.

窗外玉蘭影深 前生是夢還是真
Magnolias' shadow swaying outside the window.
I confused my previous life with dreams.

隔世春秋後 昔年因果皆是曾聽聞
After so many years
all past become people's topic of chat.

身隕不夜天 誰信年少無虛言
My life ended in Nevernight.
because people distrust words from a young man as me.

為義之諾 也曾削笛捨劍
For a promise,
I could drop my sword and picked up the flute.

流言任在前 丹心猶熱何須來辯
Although rumors go on,
no need to defend as long as my heart is determined.

世事皆千人 千言千面
Mundane things depend on interpretation
People vary and everyone has his own version.

也曾驚鴻過眼 指尖輕挑卷雲紋
Once I was also attracted by someone.
He plucked the string and wore cloud-pattern clothes.

無端引弦震 緣何夢中深記那一瞬
Qin was played in my dream
ever since that glance of him.

樹下落英紛紛 此刻是夢還是真
Flower strewn over under trees
whether it's a dream or real?

偕行雲遊後 世外江湖皆是據傳聞
After my journey around
the stories of Jinghu were painted by folks.

No need to say when my heart is determined.

Playing the flue to fight against all.

my fame is rising,

but all this is no more than a cup of wine in time.

也曾懷擁人間 使我獨享一枝春
I once owned all
and enjoyed all happiness.

無關生死事 緣何盡作江湖詩中人
Not afraid of death.
After all passed, we are just names recorded in stories.

門外聲淺影深 相逢是夢還是真
Outside, the shadow of him is clear
is it real that we can meet again?

隔世春秋後 前生因果終會落成痕
After many years
stories in previous life are no more than scars left.


  It is rumored on the Internet that this song contains excerpts from Lan Zhan's character song "Indelibility", but I have listened to it many times and haven't heard it. After the guidance of others, I finally felt a little bit of it: 
The interlude at the beginning of this song at 1:42 is to imitate the:
"Tender is the night, cool and cloudy
Breeze brushed over my heart under the moonlit sky.Snows swirling, a man stands alone
looking into the past through the snowflakes." 
Change the rhythm and tune a little bit.

  網路上有篇這首歌的分析好文,推薦給大家賞閱:[心得] 陳情令人物曲賞析-魏無羨〈曲盡陳情〉(雷

  There is a good analysis of this song on the Internet, but the article is very long. I can't finish translating articles written by myself into English, so I won't translate other people's articles.


玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


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