陳情令 人物曲 最是少年不可欺(金凌、藍思追、藍景儀) The Untamed Character Song: A Young Can't be Slighted (Juniors)

Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version

Singers: Zui Xue, Zhen Fanxing, Guo Cheng, Qi Peixin

丹青墨筆 雲間高吟 逐清風去
Calligraphy and painting.
Echoing among the clouds, 
chasing the breeze.

恣意揮劍 布陣喚靈 抱劍穿過竹林
Sword dancing,
setting up for the evil.
Carry the sword through bamboos.

新雪願景 雲紋入眼 蘭芷如金
Dawning on fresh snow.
Bearing the cloud mark,
he's like an orchid.

長夢未醒 雪浪荊棘 風雨一身輕
Long dreams yet not end,
snow and thorns.
Free dispite any hardship.

荒野孤煙 遠游肆意 少年不可欺
Moor and wisp of smoke,
traveling far at will.
A young can't be slighted.

白骨之間瞳色澄明 雲深之處風霜遠行
Standing firm amidst horrors.
Frost deepens in depth of clouds.

雪間白衣 死生無羈 少年不可欺
Dressed in white amongst snow,
death is the last we fear.
A young can't be slighted.

便劍指百鬼往生去 顛轉光陰
Just let swords thrust through evils.
Reversing time.

I'll let them know in the end
that I'm much better than anyone of them.

憺下撫琴 萬象森羅 死生天命
Qin beneath eave.
In universal nature,
death accords to destiny.

衣食玉錦 愛憎分明 江湖幾番磨礪
Though born noble,
love and hate remain clear.
How many setbacks in adventure.

Glad we met.


那是 含光君當然厲害了
他只是不喜歡顯擺 可低調了
Of course, that's Hanguang Jun after all.
He just prefers low-keyed. So low-keyed.

風雪來疾 眾生將醒
Storm comes in a rush,
awakening everyone.

山河長憶 存于天地 爭少年意氣
Memories in the world
are consistent as forever.
Chivalry spirit inside get restless.

思追 你最懂事了 出去帶帶他們 能做到嗎
Sizhui, you're the most sensible.
Guide them when we're out.
Can you do that?

荒野孤煙 遠游肆意 少年不可欺
Moor and wisp of smoke,
traveling far at will.
A young can't be slighted.

It seems we don't need to worry about anything 
as long as any of oyou two are around.

白骨之間瞳色澄明 雲深之處風霜遠行
Standing firm amidst horrors.
Frost deepens in depth of clouds.

雪間白衣 死生無羈 少年不可欺
Dressed in white amongst snow,
death is the last we fear.
A young can't be slighted.

You really are Wen Ying, Wei Wuxian.

好 都是我胡鬧 是我不懂事 行了吧
Fine! I'm making a fuss! Always!
I'm irrational.

便劍指百鬼往生去 顛轉
Just let swords thrust through evils.

荒野孤煙 遠游肆意 少年不可欺
Moor and wisp of smoke,
traveling far at will.
A young can't be slighted.

白骨之間瞳色澄明 雲深之處風霜遠行
Standing firm amidst horrors.
Frost deepens in depth of clouds.

殊途知己 照日月明 最是少年不可欺
Friends overseas,
like sun driving moon away.
Only the young can't be slighted.

便劍指百鬼往生去 顛轉 光陰
Just let swords thrust through evils.
Reversing time.

I'm Yuan.


  The teenagers in "The Untamed" are new generations who have naturally grown into sixteen years of waiting. The existence of Sizhui is proof that Wei Ying's sacrifice was not in vain. In the setting of personality, Jingyi echoes Wei Ying and Sizhui reflects Lan Zhan. Jin Ling combines the personalities of Jiang Cheng, Yanli and Zixuan, and it should be the most difficult one to show!


  The audiences like to think of Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and Lan Yuan (Sizhui) as a family. Here is an interesting coincidence: the birthdays of their three actors happen to be on the fifth day of August to October.

Next: Wang Yibo's exquisite interpretation of Lan Zhan

Qinghe Farewell (The Nie brothers)


玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


板橋港仔嘴 信仰 港仔嘴福德宮