陳情令 人物曲 不枉(群像曲) The Untamed Character Song: Youth Not Wasted (All Characters)

Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version

Singer : Wang Ju

雲深不知處 禁酒
Liquor is prohibited in Cloud Recess.

天子笑 我分給你一罈 當作沒看見我行不行啊
The Emperor's Smile.
I spare you one pot.
You take me unseen, deal?

So what that the Lan clan of Gusu has its Jade Twin?
The Jiang clan of Yunmeng will have its Pride Twin!

Lan Zhan,
if I have to fight with them finally
I'd prefer to fight with you.

管他熙熙攘攘陽關道 我偏要一條獨木橋走到黑
I don't care about open road with hustle and bustle,
and I'll cross the log bridge until the darkness falls.

驟雨落 向湖面 滴碎塢中月
Rainstorm comes down
on the lake
and pokes the moon in the cove

似朝露 似青煙 別時又再見
Like the morning dew
like blue smokes
see you again when apart

她雙眼化作誰的 最後一念
Whose last yearning
are her eyes turned into

血釵落地 歲華前
Bloody hairpin drops
ahead of Suihua

酒中醒 風裡眠 有刀藏詩篇
I wake up over wines
sleep in winds
verses harbored in blades

誰祭血 來洗硯 不負淨世遠
Who sacrifices his blood
to wash ink stone
and live up to the pure fantasy far away

曾誓言 清談江湖 情義永結
Once we swear
to discuss about the world elegantly
and share the intimate feelings forever

Live or die is affected by wines between sworn brothers.

三五好友齊肩 行來正少年
Several bosom friends
walk side by side in their youth.

射盡妖邪 餘生 我即弓上箭
I shoot the evil and demon
with bow and arrow
for the rest of life.

為一人 入紅塵 撥弦聲去遠
For the one
I enter into the world
with pizzicato fading away

且笑他 輕狂客 同生死也敢言
I laugh at him,
a frivolous swordsman,
who dares to say that we live and die together.

笛聲落 情未歇 懸河洗我劍
Whistling vanishes,
sentiments has yet to fade
and perched stream scours my sword.

此生不忘 羨雲天
Under the bright sky,
Cloud Recess and Lotus Cove will never be forgotten.
一條獨木橋走到黑的感覺 確實不差
Crossing the log bridge until the darkness falls
doesn't feel bad.

誰是誰非 恩多怨多 外人說得清嗎
Right or wrong,
gratitude or resentment,
are not debatable for outsiders

你什麼都不告訴我 把我當傻瓜一樣
What hardship on earth are you burdened with that you could never tell?
You didn't tell me anything.
Treat me as a little fool.

澤蕪君 卻照樣和聶明玦一樣 容不下我
Zuwu Jun
is just like Nie Mingjue, could not care for me.

有肝膽 映劍端 星霜來照月
Sincerity and courage
cast light on the sword tip
when star and frost shine with the moon

再獨行 千里雪 尋去當年約
I walk alone
in a vast expanse of snow,
to find a past promise.

圍爐夜 血污悄將 星燈澆滅
We share a stove fire at night
while bloods stealthily
black out the shining star.

空城故去 人老卻
Empty city is deserted and people get feeble.

林中尚餘殘垣 有風在嗚咽
Ruins are left in the forest,
and the wind is whimpering.

當年知遇 還記 曾摧弓引弦
I still remember the youngster
who once pulled the bow and got due appreciation.

為一人 入紅塵 撥弦聲去遠
For the one
I enter into the world
with pizzicato fading away

且笑他 輕狂客 同生死也敢言
I laugh at him,
a frivolous swordsman,
who dares to say: we live and die together.

笛聲落 正按弦 舉世情不歇
Whistling vanishes,
strings are pressed,
and love never ceases.

此生不忘 羨雲天
Under the bright sky,
Cloud Recess and Lotus Cove will never be forgotten.

若獨行 紅塵中 皆匆匆一面
If I travel alone
in a turbulent world
it's a pity to rush to meet you once.

江湖路 縱難行 有人同途比肩
The road
is not tough
with a friend shoulder-to-shoulder.

雖會見 雨傾天 有日終月圓
Although previously we met
in a downpour,
we will reunite one day.

Natural kindness of the young is never wasted.

若獨行 紅塵中 皆匆匆一面
If I travel alone
in a turbulent world
it's a pity to rush to meet you once.

江湖路 縱難行 有人同途比肩
The road
is not tough
with a friend shoulder-to-shoulder.

雖涉過 這長夜 新月終會圓
Although we got through
the eternal night,
we will reunite one day.

Natural kindness of the young is never wasted.


  When I typed the character song of Xue Yang, it was a bit annoying. I think this is why the drama is so popular, but apart from the two protagonists, limited benefit to other actors. The resonance between me and the drama revolves around the two protagonists. I think many people are just like me! It's no wonder that ordinary drama will only do theme songs for male and female characters.


  However, the vegetables and radishes have their own fans. There are people who like this song very much and give a detailed explanation. Recommend to everyone to read: (Only Chinese, no English.)

下一篇:精彩二創 為鬼(魏嬰人物曲)
Next:Be A Ghost (Wei Ying Character Song)

Wang Yibo's exquisite interpretation of Lan Zhan


玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN


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