
目前顯示的是 9月, 2021的文章

Man on a Mission (by Oh The Larceny) 肩負使命者(原唱:哦,盜竊案)

Soles of my shoes are worn 我的鞋底磨損了 The knees on my jeans are torn 我牛仔褲的膝蓋破了 Sweat comin' through my shirt 汗水滲進我的襯衫 Keep pushin' even though it hurts 繼續推,即使它很痛 I'm chasing what I know is true 我在追求我知道是真的 There's nothing that I would not do 没有什麼是我不會做的 When everyone around me drops 當我周圍的每個人都倒下 I'm never gonna ever stop 我永遠不會停止 I won't waste another minute 我不會再浪費一分鍾 No I won't 不,我不會 I'm a man on a mission 我是一個肩負使命者 I'm a man on a mission 我是一個肩負使命者 I don't need no permission 我不需要任何許可 I'm a man on a mission (Take it up now, take it up now) 我是一個肩負使命者(現在就開始,現在就開始) I ain't waiting and wishin' (Take it up now, take it up now) 我不是在等待和希望(現在就開始,現在就開始) Oh I got that ambition (Take it up now, take it up) 哦,我有那個野心(現在就開始吧,接受吧) I'm a man on a mission 我是一個肩負使命者 When you look into my eyes 當你看着我的眼睛 You know you're gonna see that fire 你知道你會看到那火 If you're standing in my way 如果你擋我的路 It ain't gonna be your day 這天你將不順遂 Bleed until I own this dre...

陳情令 精彩二創 肩負使命者(群像曲) The Untamed: Wonderful Derivative Work - Man on a Mission (All Characters)

   原本想寫完一百篇關於《陳情令》的文章就改為討論別部劇。但看到這支二創作品後,又忍不住寫下這第一百零一篇。   Originally, I want to changed to discuss other dramas after I wrote 100 articles about "The Untamed" . But saw this second creation let me wrote this 101th.   這部MV的背景音樂,小小的改編Oh The Larceny (哦,盜竊案)組合於2017年發表的歌曲Man on a Mission (肩負使命者)。影像融合《陳情令》與《 魔道祖師 》的片段。重點是沒用任何對白且使用《陳情令》劇中的音效切合音樂重拍。是個非常用心製作的二創作品,讓我想好好推薦給大家品味。歌詞翻譯如下:   The background music of this MV is a small adaptation of the song Man on a Mission released by Oh The Larceny in 2017. The video is a fusion of clips from "The Untamed" and " Mo Dao Zu Shi ". The point is that no dialogue is used and the sound effects in the "The Untamed" play are suitable for the remake of the music. It is a second creation work made with great care, so I would like to recommend it to everyone. The lyrics are translated as follows: Soles of my shoes are worn 我的鞋底磨損了 The knees on my jeans are torn 我牛仔褲的膝蓋破了 Sweat comin' through my shirt 汗水滲進我的襯衫 Keep pu...


  1963年,一位叫瑪莉 · 班尼的女孩寫信給《芝加哥論壇報》 兒童版,因爲她實在搞不明白,爲什麼她幫媽媽把烤好的甜餅送到餐桌上,得到的只是一句「好孩子」的誇獎;而什麼都不做,只會搗蛋的弟弟,得到的卻是一個甜餅。   她想問一問無所不知的西勒 · 庫斯特先生:爲什麼像她這樣的好孩子被上帝遺忘了。西勒 · 庫斯特是《芝加哥論壇報》兒童版欄目的主持人,十多年來,孩子們有關「上帝爲什麼不獎賞好人,爲什麼不懲罰壞人」之類的來信,他收到不下千封。每當拆閱這樣的信件,他心就非常沉重,因爲他不知該怎樣回答這些提問。   直到三年後去參加一場婚禮,婚禮上,新娘和新郎也許是過於激動,互贈戒指時,兩人陰錯陽差地把戒指戴在了對方的右手上。牧師看到這一幕,幽默地提醒:右手已經夠完美了,我想你們最好還是用它來裝扮左手吧。正是這句話讓他恍然大悟:上帝讓右手成爲右手,就是對右手最高的獎賞,同理,上帝讓善人成爲善人,也就是對善人的最高獎賞。   西勒 · 庫斯特興奮不已,立即給瑪莉回了一封信:希望你不要再爲壞孩子得到甜餅而耿耿於懷。壞孩子雖然得到甜餅,但其實你得到了上帝最好的禮物,就是:你是個好孩子。上帝給我們最好的禮物,就是我們都是好人。

陳情令 精彩二創 以魏嬰及藍湛為CP基底的二創作品 The Untamed: Wonderful Derivative Work Based on Wei Ying and Lan Zhan as CP

  寫(整理)到這,已經是關於《陳情令》的第一百篇文了,之前曾向老天爺發問,是不是我寫到一百篇,疫情就會撥雲見日,讓 協會 的課程可以再開始運作?看來答案是肯定的,感謝老天爺。   This is the 100th article about "The Untamed". I once asked God before: "After I have written a hundred articles on "The Untamed", will Taiwan's Covid-19 epidemic slow down?" It seems that the answer is yes. Thank God.   很佩服那些做影像二創的人,除了要看很多相關的影片之外,還要動手剪輯影像及音樂。我也做過一樣的事,最近一次是今年二月到三月之間做的 《 劉歡 從頭再來之打多久陪多久 》 。做完後就決定以後再也不做這種事了,因為我發現我的眼睛已經不起長時間看螢幕,手也無法再長時間操作滑鼠,真是歲月不饒人啊。   I admire those who are doing second video creation, in addition to watching a lot of related videos, they also have to edit video and music by hand.   下面是一些和魏嬰與藍湛CP組合相關的二創作品連結,若您看了喜歡,別忘了在影片下方按讚並且幫忙分享,那是對創作者最好的鼓勵。    Below are links to some of the second creation works related to the combination of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan's CP. If you like it, don’t forget to share it, it’s the best encouragement for creators. A - 古裝系列: A - Ancient costume series: 1. 鳳還巢    - ⭐⭐⭐⭐這個目前在我心中排名第二    - ⭐⭐⭐⭐This is current...

陳情令 精彩二創 為鬼(魏嬰人物曲) The Untamed: Wonderful Derivative Work - Be A Ghost (Wei Ying Character Song)

   有不少能人以《陳情令》為基底做出許多二創作品,並且很佛心的放在影音平台上供大家免費瀏覽,大部份主題圍繞在嬰湛二人的CP組合上,搭配肖戰與王一博的其他作品,形成新的故事。   There are many talented people who have made many second creation works based on "The Untamed", and they are kindly placed on YouTube for free viewing. Most of the themes are centered on the CP combination of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. Together with other works by Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo, a new story is formed.    這首 《 為鬼 》最讓我喜歡的地方,在於只取 《陳情令》的片段,改寫蕭敬騰的 《王妃 》,以魏嬰人物曲的型式呈現。第一次看到時有 「驚為天人」的感覺,而且還百看不厭的經常點開再欣賞,是所有二創的影音作品中,讓我重覆欣賞次數最多的一個。   What I like most about this song "Be A Ghost" is that it only takes the parts of "The Untamed" and rewrites Xiao Jingteng's "The Queen" to present it in the form of Wei Ying's character song. When I first saw it, I felt "very fried". And I will never tire of admiring it again. It is the one that I appreciate the most times of all the second creation works.   口白截取自中國唐朝詩人李白的《把酒問月》,重新填詞的部份有些是依原著的內容描寫的,所以只看劇的人可能會有些明白不過來。...

陳情令 人物曲 不枉(群像曲) The Untamed Character Song: Youth Not Wasted (All Characters)

歌詞及英譯按官方發表版本抄打 Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version 作詞:易者連消醉清酒 作曲:銀臨 演唱:王菊 Singer : Wang Ju 雲深不知處 禁酒 Liquor is prohibited in Cloud Recess. 天子笑 我分給你一罈 當作沒看見我行不行啊 The Emperor's Smile. I spare you one pot. You take me unseen, deal? 這姑蘇有雙璧算什麼  咱們雲夢就有雙傑 So what that the Lan clan of Gusu has its Jade Twin? The Jiang clan of Yunmeng will have its Pride Twin! 藍湛  如果我和他們之間必有一戰 那我寧願和你決一生死 Lan Zhan, if I have to fight with them finally I'd prefer to fight with you. 管他熙熙攘攘陽關道 我偏要一條獨木橋走到黑 I don't care about open road with hustle and bustle, and I'll cross the log bridge until the darkness falls. 驟雨落 向湖面 滴碎塢中月 Rainstorm comes down on the lake and pokes the moon in the cove 似朝露 似青煙 別時又再見 Like the morning dew like blue smokes see you again when apart 她雙眼化作誰的 最後一念 Whose last yearning are her eyes turned into 血釵落地 歲華前 Bloody hairpin drops ahead of Suihua 酒中醒 風裡眠 有刀藏詩篇 I wake up over wines sleep in winds verses harbored in blades 誰祭血 來洗硯 不負淨世遠 Who s...

陳情令 王一博精湛詮釋的藍湛 The Untamed: Wang Yibo's exquisite interpretation of Lan Zhan

   《陳情令》的第 九十一篇資料,因為肖戰是一九九一年生,所以 放了篇 《 肖戰對魏嬰的角色體現 》。這第九十七篇當然 就想放和王一博有關資料,但這次不像肖戰那篇幸運的抄打及翻譯就好,扒了很久沒找到王一博對 藍湛這個角色的撰文,只好自已發揮了。   This 97th article of "The Untamed" wanted to publish relevant information about Wang Yibo. After a long time on the Internet, I didn't find Wang Yibo's essay on the character of Lan Zhan, so I had to write it myself.   對王一博在劇中的表現,很多人以他從頭到尾都板著臉,批評他演技不佳。這些人大概是看慣表情浮誇的戲吧!光上面四個圖,就可反駁他面癱的說法了。    Regarding Wang Yibo's performance in the play, many people criticized him for his poor acting skills because of his stern face from beginning to end. These people are probably used to watching dramas with exaggerated expressions! Just the four pictures above can be used to refute the statement about his expressionless face.    藍湛的人設就是個循規蹈矩的雅正小古板,臉部表情當然不能太明顯。加上藍湛的 台詞不多(據說全劇只有4,722個字,其中還有62句是魏嬰。)當然無法以台詞來演繹情絮,只能靠肢體動作和微表情(眼神),所以得多 注意導演給的特寫才能體會 王一博的精湛詮釋。 想看表情多又花俏的古裝王一博,得去看 《 有翡 》好嗎?   Lan Zhan’s persona is just a well-behaved, austere, rigid, face expression,...

陳情令 人物曲 最是少年不可欺(金凌、藍思追、藍景儀) The Untamed Character Song: A Young Can't be Slighted (Juniors)

歌詞及英譯按官方發表版本抄打 Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version 作詞:予詞 作曲:陳亦洺 演唱:醉雪、鄭繁星、郭丞、漆培鑫 Singers: Zui Xue, Zhen Fanxing, Guo Cheng, Qi Peixin 丹青墨筆 雲間高吟 逐清風去 Calligraphy and painting. Echoing among the clouds,  chasing the breeze. 恣意揮劍 布陣喚靈 抱劍穿過竹林 Sword dancing, setting up for the evil. Carry the sword through bamboos. 新雪願景 雲紋入眼 蘭芷如金 Dawning on fresh snow. Bearing the cloud mark, he's like an orchid. 長夢未醒 雪浪荊棘 風雨一身輕 Long dreams yet not end, snow and thorns. Free dispite any hardship. 荒野孤煙 遠游肆意 少年不可欺 Moor and wisp of smoke, traveling far at will. A young can't be slighted. 白骨之間瞳色澄明 雲深之處風霜遠行 Standing firm amidst horrors. Frost deepens in depth of clouds. 雪間白衣 死生無羈 少年不可欺 Dressed in white amongst snow, death is the last we fear. A young can't be slighted. 便劍指百鬼往生去 顛轉光陰 Just let swords thrust through evils. Reversing time. 我要讓他們都睜大眼睛看清楚 我比他們任何人都要強很多  I'll let them know in the end that I'm much better than anyone of them. 憺下撫琴 萬象森羅 死生天命 Qin...

陳情令 人物曲 清河訣(聶明玦、聶懷桑) The Untamed Character Song: Qinghe Farewell (The Nei Brothers)

歌詞及英譯按官方發表版本抄打 Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version 作詞:林喬&劉恩訊 作曲:陳雪燃 演唱:阿雲嘎 看似冷若刀鋒的責言 Your reproach seems as sharp as swords 護盡折扇翩翩的少年 But you always protect the elegant young boy 歲寒濃盡熱血同脈相連 It's freezing cold, yet our shared blood are hot. 你就指望著用這玩意當家主嗎 Do you rely on this thing to be a master? 我又不想當家主 I don't wat to be the master. 真心溫暖如焰 輝映在你我之間 ?And glowing between us were our sincere hearts, warm as flames? 不凈世深情界幾生相牽 In this unclean world, our deep bond links together for countless lifetimes 不絕天兄弟緣何時再見 As it's not a doomsday, our brotherhood remains when will we meet abain. 清河訣別成一生慟點 Farewell in Qinghe has become grief in my life 舊夢方醒卻昨日漸遠 Dreams just work up but yesterday has drifted away. 遙對明月長嘆 Looking at the moon from afar and sighing. 能再看你一眼  刀山火海也願 If I can see you once again even sword mountains and fire sea, I can face it. 聶懷桑 你究竟何日才能真的擔憂我聶氏的安危 Nie Huai Sang. When can you really worry about the Nie family's safety...

陳情令 人物曲 孤城(曉星塵、宋子琛、阿箐、薛洋) The Untamed Character Song: Isolated City (Xingchen, Zichen, Jing & Yang)

歌詞及英譯按官方發表版本抄打 Lyrics and English translations are copied according to the official version 作詞:林喬 作曲:余竑龍 演唱:孫伯綸、陳卓璇 霽月清風萍水若相逢一方 一顆救世初心共渡的嚮往 Peaceful and nice like gentle breeze and bright moon, with the initial aspiration to save people from hot water shoulder to shoulder. 明月清風曉星塵 傲雪凌霜宋子深 Xiao Xingchen the Moon in Breeze. Song Zichen the Gentry Despite Frost.  溫柔相待朝夕甜似糖 Treating with tenderness makes sunrise  命運卻無情錯放 Fates are misplaced relentlessly. 放心 我救你回來 自然不會害你 Don't worry. I save you, which means I will not hurt you. 終究戮村 出弒友 悲真相 After slaughtering villagers and killing intimate friend, finally he sheds tears for anguished truth. 肝腸寸斷此生清償 Liver and intestines are cut into inches to pay for it. 善惡搖晃 誰又深陷業障 Vice and virtue take their camouflages and who's sunk deep into sin and hell? 愛滾燙恨且冰涼 Love is boiling hot while hate is freezing cold. 姑娘 你可曾見過白衣負劍的盲眼修士 Miss, have you ever met a cultivator with a sword in white?  何懼行世上 Why are you fearful of bathing in the sunshin...