
目前顯示的是 11月, 2021的文章

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第2集-2 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP02-2

  救命啊! Help! 來人啊! Anyone? 救命啊! Help! 來人啊! Somebody help! 有沒有人? Can anyone help me? 救命啊! Help! 救命啊! Help! 救命啊! Help! 救命啊! Help! 有沒有人啊! Help! 快來人啊! Is anyone here? 救命啊! Help! 救命啊! Help! 救命啊! Help! 金凌,字如蘭。 Jin Ling, courtesy name is Rulan. 金凌: 每次都是你們這些蠢貨!這山裡四百多張縛仙網,獵物還沒抓到,就被你們這些人損壞了十幾個。 Jin Ling: Always you idiots! There are over 400 Denity-biding Nets in the mountain, yet to oatch any preys, but being damaged by you guys first. 魏嬰:一張縛仙網已經價值不菲,他竟然一口氣布了四百多張。不愧是蘭陵金氏。 Wei Ying :One piece of Denity-biding Net is quiet expensive, he should have set over 400 pieces. Very typical of Jin clan of Lanling. 還請金小公子行個方便,放我們下來吧。 Childe Jin, please make a merciful exception. Put us down, please. 是啊!是啊!放我們下來吧! 放我們下來吧! Please, please.  Put us down, please. 金凌: 你們啊!就在這裡掛著吧!省得到處亂走,碍我的事。 Jin Ling:You fools. It's better to keep you that way lest you wander around to mess my business. 金公子,放我們下來吧。 Put us down please,  Childe Jin. 金凌:等我抓住了食魂獸,想起你們,再放你們下來 。 Jin Ling:If I should catch the soul-eaters...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第2集-1 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP02-1

  魏嬰:明明是隻驢子,卻只吃帶露水的嫩草,草尖黃了一點還不吃。吃不好還發脾氣不肯走,撂蹶子。好,好,好了。你是大爺了。行吧?大爺大爺大爺,走走走。 Wei Ying:Donkey as you are, eat only fresh grass with dew but any trown-tipped grass. Once unsatisfied, you'd get agnry and stop moving. And you'd even kick your feet. Well. Well. Well... You are my master now. OK? My good master, go go go. 魏嬰:大爺,你幹嘛呢? Wei Ying: My good master, what are you doing? 這還走多久啊? How far is it? 不知道啊! No idea. 應該快到了吧! I suppose it won't be far. 熱死了。 It's scorching. 好熱啊。 So hot. 渴死我了。 I'm thirsty. 都走了這麼久,什麼時候還能休息啊? We've been walking for so long. When can we have a rest? 還有多遠啊? How far is it? 那邊有口井。 There's a well. 走,打點兒水呵。 Come, let's get some water. 來。 Here. 胭母:阿胭 Yan's Mon:Yan! 路人甲:奇怪!為什麼都快到大梵山腳下了,這指針還是紋絲不動? Passerby A :So weird. Why the pointer doesn't move at all when we are getting closer to the Dafan Mountain? 路人乙:你那羅盤是不是壞了?回頭換個新的。還有不到十里就到大梵山了,咱們不能久歇。若是讓人搶了先,咱們就立不到頭功了。 Passerby B :Maybe your compass is broken. Find a new one next time. There...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-8 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-8

  說書人:謝謝公子。謝謝公子。沒想到,講了三天夷陵老祖的故事,就給了這麼一塊金子。發財囉!發財囉! Storyteller:Thank you. Thank you. What a surprise. They just gave me a piece of gold for telling stories about Yiling Patriarch for three days. I'm rich now! 魂兮歸來,不下幽都 Back come souls. Not gone to ghost realm. 魂兮歸來,不下幽都 Back come souls. Not gone to ghost realm. 魏嬰:還有最後一個大仇。會是誰呢? Wei Ying:Only one revenge left. Who will it be? 下一篇: 字詞抄錄 第2集-1 Next: Transcript of Words EP02-1 上一篇: 字詞抄錄 第1集-7 Prep: Transcript of Words EP01-7

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-7 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-7

  魏嬰:這些黑色紋理。明顯是陰虎符留下的痕跡。可陰虎符早就毀了。這裡作惡的到底是什麼? Ying:Those  black marks were obviously left by the Stygian Tiger Amulet. But the amulet has already been ruined. What on earth is it? 阿丁:阿童,你醒了。 Ding:Tong, you woke up. 魏嬰:退後!看他的脖子。 Ying:Stay back! Look at his neck. 阿丁:有鬼,有鬼!這兒有隻看不見的鬼!是他,是他讓阿童把自己掐死了。 Ding:It's ghost! Ghost! There is one invisible ghost! It's him. He let Tong choke himself to death. 魏嬰:沒有鬼。 Ying:There is no ghost.  藍思追:都別吵。他們的左手都斷了。 Lan Sizhui:Quiet. Their left arms are all broken.  藍景儀:這瘋子。你這時候還笑得出來。 Lan Jingyi:You psycho. How can you laugh at this moment. 魏嬰:不是,不是。 Ying:Sorry, I didn't mean that. 藍景儀:你不要鬧了。沒有人理你。 Lan Jingyi:Stop it. Nobody would respond to you. 魏嬰:他不是莫子淵他爹。那個也不是阿童。 Ying:He is not Mo Ziyuan's father. That man is not Tong either.  藍思追:為什麼? Lan Sizhui:Why? 魏嬰:看手啊!他們可都不是左撇子啊。每次打我都用的右手。這一點我還是很清楚的。 Ying:Judge from their hands. None of them are left-handed. Every time they beat me with right hands. I am clear about it. 藍景儀:你自豪個什麼勁兒?看把你得意的。 ...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-6 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-6

  阿童:少爺。仙師說過我們必定不得出門,不可來西院。 Tong:Young master. Cultivators reminded that we shouldn't get out of our room and can't come to the west yard. 莫子淵:不來怎麼找那瘋子算帳?去!把那黑旗子給我拿過來。 Mo Xiyuan:I come here to find that mad guy! Go! Fetch me the black flag.  阿童:可,可仙師說⋯⋯ Tong:But cultivators said... 莫子淵:蠢貨!他們是怕被人偷了珍稀法寶,所以才故意恐嚇。你看看這些仙師,每個人都拿著黑旗子呢!快去呀! Mo Xiyuan:Donkey! They just fear that their items would be stolen. So they frightened us deliberately. Look at those Cultivators. Everyong is holding a black flag. Go. 阿童:少爺,旗子拿到了。 Tong:Young master, here you are. 莫子淵:走。 Mo Xiyuan:Let's go. 藍思追:景儀,這首曲子好熟悉,好像姑蘇的調子。我們是不是在哪兒聽過? Lan Sizhui:Jingyi, the melody is familiar. It seems like a melody from Gusu. We once heard it.  藍景儀:不會吧?吹得這麼難聽。我可沒聽過。 Lan Jingyi:Did we? So awfully played. I have never heard it.  魏嬰:藍湛。 Ying:Lan Zhan. 直接拖出來,報官。 Pull him out and report to the officials. 是是是,對! Yeah! 莫老爺:報什麼官,蒙頭打死。 Ur Mo:Don't report. Just beat him to death directly. 是。 Got it. 魏嬰:痛啊!輕點。 Ying:It hurts....

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-5 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-5

  魏嬰:怎麼跟水一樣啊?難道...真要莫家滿門全滅。 Ying:Why the alcohol tastes like water? Maybe... I really need to kill the whole Mo family. 請。 This way. 魏嬰:招陰旗? Ying:Stygian Lure Falg? 藍思追:都過來一下。待會我們兩個去西面屋頂,你們去東面屋頂。我們上去勘察一下,盡量把這些招陰旗布在莫府的屋檐高處。布完旗之后... Lan Sizhui:Assemble. We two go to the west roof. You go to the roof in the east. We should explore this place and try to arrange these flags around the roof. After that... 魏嬰: 玄門百家縱使對我喊打喊殺,可夷陵老祖做的東西,卻是照用不誤啊。 Ying:Although all clans yelled to kill me, they still make use of the equipments I made. 藍思追:到時候如果他們從東面上來,我們就從西面夾擊他們。注意不要驚動莫府中人,還有這邊的長廊和那邊的屋頂都要派人駐守。隨時保持警惕,靜氣凝神,不要被邪氣所侵擾。 Lan Sizhui:At that time if they come from the east, we can flank them from all directions. But don't disturb the people living here and the corridor here and the roof over there should be guarded. Be vigilant at any time. Get focused. Don't be affected by the foul energy. 藍景儀:幹什麼?這不是你該來的地方。別亂動!這不是你該拿的東西。 Lan Jingyi:What are you doing? You shouldn't be here. Stop that! You shou...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-4 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-4

莫夫人:這次還要多謝各位仙師前來我們莫家莊除祟。早就聽說姑蘇藍氏雅正為訓、氣度不凡。今日一見,果真是名不虛傳哪! Madam Mo:Thanks to you cultivators for coming here to rid the evil thing. I have heard that Lan clan of Gusu are instructed to be upright, gentle and distinguished. Seeing is believing. You really match your reputation. 莫老爺:正是,正是。 Ur Mo :I can't agree more. 莫夫人:這說起來呢,我們莫家也算是有仙緣的。不比尋常人家。我們莫家有位小輩,曾經也受過仙家指點。若是此次仙師在此,能够再多盤桓幾日,我們莫家... Madam Mo:Actually, We Mo family does have some associations with the cultivators. We're not an ordinary family. There is a young man in our family who once instructed by cultivators. If you can stay here for more days, our famil... 魏嬰:我在這!我說誰叫我呢。這莫家最有仙緣的,不就是我嗎? Ying:Here I am! I just heard I was mentioned. I am the closest to the cultivators among the whole family, right? 莫夫人:誰放他出來的?快把他弄回去。 Madam Mo:Who unlocked him? Bring him back! 莫老爺:走走走。 Ur Mo :Get out of here. 就是他。 That's him. 魏嬰:我不走。 我不走。 Ying:I won't go.  I won't go. 你看。 You see. 魏嬰: 不走。 不走。 不走 不走 不走。就不走。 Ying: I won't go. ...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-3 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-3

魏嬰:莫玄羽啊莫玄羽,我這死得好好的,你為什麼要救我?還用舍身咒。你這是有多大的深仔大恨啊!也是,夷陵老祖忘因負義,喪心病狂,多適合替別人報仇啊!一道疤一條命,如果他的仇人不死,這些傷疤就永遠不會癒合。還不如讓我死了算了。 Wei Ying:Mo Xuanyu. I have already died. Why you chose to save me at the cost of yourself. You really had a great hatred. Alright. As the Yiling Patriarch, I was a mad defector, who is perfect to revenge somebody. A scar represents a life. If I don't kill Mo Xuanyu's enemies, these scars will never heal. I wish I were still dead. 阿童:你你你 Tong:You...You...You... 魏嬰:我我我 Wei Ying:Me...me...me... 阿童:我什麼我?莫瘋子,誰讓你出來了?趕緊給我滾回去! Tong:Me what? Crazy Mo. Who allowed you to get out? Get back inside now! 魏嬰:我,我是莫玄羽。 Wei Ying:I, I, I am the Mo Xuanyu? 阿童:你不是莫玄羽你是誰?我告訴你,別做那白日夢了,你就算飛上枝頭,也變不了鳳凰。誒!今天怎麼沒戴你那破面具啊? Tong:Except Mo Xuanyu, who else are you? I have told you. Stop daydreaming. You are nobody, no matter how hard you try. Why don't you wear your weird mask today? 魏嬰:我...一直戴著面具啊? Wei Ying:So...I always wear my mask? 阿童:誒,瘋子。趁你今天清醒,你倒跟我說說,蘭陵金氏到底把你怎麼了,去了什麼金麟台,回來怎麼變成這樣?不是塗粉就是戴面具。...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-2 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-2

  阿童:快點。走。 Tong:Hurry up. Hurry. 魏嬰:你是誰? Wei Ying : Who are you? 阿童:滾。 Tong:Get lost. 魏嬰:敢踹本老祖?胆子真不小。 Wei Ying : How dare you kick me? How reckless. 莫子淵:你還敢去告狀!你以為我真的怕你去告狀。也不想想,你住的是誰家的地、吃的誰家的米、花的誰家的錢?拿你幾樣東西怎麼了?本該就是我的。 Mo Xiyuan:You should have reported me! But I don't care. Remember! You are in my house, eating my food and spending my money. Can't I take come things from you? Yours are mine! 阿童:公子,都砸完了。 Tong:Childe, all checked. 莫子淵:這麼快?搜到仙門法器了嗎? Mo Xiyuan:All checked? Have you got the cultivators' item? 阿童:這間破屋子,有的東西都在這兒了。 Tong:These are all we found in this shabby room. 莫子淵:就這麼幾張破紙還藏得跟寶貝一樣。去過幾年蘭陵金氏了不起!人家照樣不認你這個私生子。還不是跟狗一樣被人趕回來。作為你表哥,我好心奉勸你幾句,不要學你那死鬼母親那樣做那白日夢。賤人就是賤人。攀不上蘭陵金氏那只鳳凰。 Mo Xiyuan:Pieces of paper, you hide them as treasure. You really think you are somebody for your several years in Lanling? They will never accept you. A bastard. At last you were kicked out like a dog. As your cousin, I remind you. Don't daydream as your bitch mother. Lowlife will stay low. You...

陳情令 字詞抄錄 第1集-1 The Untamed: Transcript of Words EP01-1

  十六年前 Sixteen Years Ago 魏無羨死了 Wei Wuxian died! 真是大快人心 How pleasant! 殺得好 Good that he died. 果然是大快人心 Such a good news! 要不是雲夢江氏大義滅親,聯合姑蘇藍氏、蘭陵金氏、清河聶氏三大家族也不能當場誅滅夷陵老祖魏無羨這個禍害。 Wei Wuxian, the Yiling Patriarch, couldn't have been killed on the spot except for the coalition of Jiang clan, Lan clan, Jin clan and Nie clan for he was such a terrible disaster.  是啊。當初雲夢江氏好心收留他,可沒想到居然是養虎為患。 Yeah. Jiang clan adopted him out of mercy, but he turned out to be a merciless devil. 他倒好,公然叛逃與百家為敵。害得江家幾乎滿門慘死 Ungratefully, he betrayed his clan and rivaled against all clans. Consequently the jiang clan were almost eradicated. 魏嬰,字無羨。 Wei Ying, courtesy neame is Wuxian. 如果我是江澄,我早就一劍刺死他了 If I were Jiang Cheng, I'd have killed him in the beginning. 我搶到陰虎符了! I got the Stygian Tiger Amulet! 藍湛,字忘機。 Lan Zhan, courtesy name is Wangji. 魏嬰:藍湛,放手吧。江澄。 Wei Ying:Lan Zhan, Let go of me. Jiang Cheng. 江澄:魏無羨!你去死吧! Jiang Cheng:Wei Wuxian! Go to hell! 江澄,字晚吟。 Jiang Cheng, courtesy name is Wanyin. 要說這魏無羨,十六年前也是仙門之...

玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN

  警告 玻璃心患者慎入 Please be cautious if you are fragile pink 作詞:黃明志 Lyrics By NAMEWEE 作曲:黃明志 Composed By NAMEWEE 制作:黃明志&張賜麟 Produced By NAMEWEE & PETER CHONG 導演:黃明志 Director NAMEWEE 攝影指導:呂啟銘 D.O.P. CHI-MING LU 說的話 你從來都不想聽 You're a bad listener 卻又滔滔不絕出征反擊 But retaliate on each one there is  不明白 到底辱了你哪裡 I wonder how I have offended you 總覺得世界與你為敵 You assume the world your enemy 你說我 (屬於你) You claim that (I belong to you) 別逃避 (快回家裡) Don't deny (ask me to return) 一點都不能少都讓你贏 (不講道理) Never let go any part (give me an explanation) 你要我 (去說明) You urged me (confess to the world) 不可分割的關係 Our inseparable relationship 還要呵護著你易碎玻璃 And take care your heart of glass 對不起傷害了你 Pardon me for offending 傷了你的感情 Hurt you of your feeling 我聽見有個聲音 Oh I hear a sound 是玻璃心碎一地 Fragile self-esteem has broken into pieces  對不起是我太任性 Pardon me my honesty 講真話總讓人傷心 The truth does always hurts you badly 或許不該太直白 超直白 Perhaps I shouldn't be blunt I'm So Sorry I'm So Sorry 又讓你森七七 Don't angry lil' pink...

金門觀光形象主題曲:牆外 黃明志 小花 Kinmen Tourism Theme Song: The Wall Namewee Flower

木棉花開太武山 The kapok plain season sat upon Taiwu Mountain  風獅爺笑哈哈 Lion sculpture glee trembling cachinnate 貢糖高粱四季蘭 Tribute candy Sorghum and four season orchid 我送汝到海岸 I send you to the sea coast 作詞:黃明志 Lyrics by Namewee 作曲:黃明志 Composed by Namewee 製作:黃明志、張賜麟 Produced by Namewee & Peter Chong 編曲:蕭啟賢 Music Arranged by Clement Siow 導演:黃明志 Director: Namewee 攝影指導:呂啟銘 D.O.P.: Chi-Ming Lu 我躲在角落 遠遠望著妳 Hiding in the corner, looking at you from a distance 妳的美麗迴盪在我記憶 Your beauty is imprinted in my memories 藍天和綠地是我的棲息 The blue sky and green earth is my perch 也是妳嚮往的風景 and the scenery you fancy 家門被鎖緊 媽媽會擔心 My mum is very strict 就像溫室裡的小花禁不起風雨 She shut me in a greenhouse, juest like the fragile flowers 縱然任性 卻也無能為力 I want freedom, but I can do nothing 我站在牆外等妳 I'll wait for you outside the wall 期盼著你的回應 I'm waiting for your reply 我聽見你的心跳還有你的呼吸 I hear your breath, and your hearbeat 一直在牆外等妳 I'll always wait for you outside the wall 多渴望會有奇蹟 How I hope a miracle would appear 空氣裡 一點一滴 都是不言可喻的默契 Ev...