舊劇回顧:有翡 - 王一博 趙麗穎 Legend Of Fei - Wang Yibo, Zhao Liying
王一博的新劇《風起洛陽》開播了,眼看著就快播完了,但和《陳情令》一樣,始終讓我覺得王一博只是個配角。 Wang Yibo’s new drama "Luoyang" has been broadcast, and it is almost finished, but like "The Untamed", I always feel that Wang Yibo is just a supporting role. 沒戲看的感覺,讓人不禁的想回顧初識王一博的《有翡》。當初會看這部,是因為疫情陪孩子在家自學,太無聊的我,正好看到趙麗穎和馮少峰離婚的消息。除了覺得可惜外,也因為喜歡趙麗穎,所以隨便選了部她演的古裝劇來看,就這樣認識了王一博。 The feeling of no play to watch let me watched "Legend Of Fei" by Wang Yibo again. I watched this drama because of the Covid-19 epidemic. Accompaning my children to study at home is too boring. I just happened to see the news of Zhao Liying and Feng Shaofeng’s divorce. In addition to feeling a pity, but also because I like Zhao Liying, so I randomly selected a drama she played, and met Wang Yibo in this way. 這部劇要不是有趙麗穎和王一博,還真讓我看不下去,因為有太多的邏輯漏洞。比如第一集:因謝允(王一博飾)穿過洗墨江進入四十八寨,收到警示的小輩們,分兩撥人前往 洗墨江(後門)及寨門口(前門)支援。李晟明明是帶人前往 寨門口的,卻和要前往 洗墨江的周翡(趙麗穎飾)碰到一塊。 這類的 邏輯錯誤多到讓我以為劇組是要以"大家來找碴"的活動提高回視率。 Had it not been for Zhao Liying and Wan...