玻璃心 黃明志 陳芳語 Fragile NAMEWEE Feat. KIMBERLEY CHEN
警告 玻璃心患者慎入 Please be cautious if you are fragile pink 作詞:黃明志 Lyrics By NAMEWEE 作曲:黃明志 Composed By NAMEWEE 制作:黃明志&張賜麟 Produced By NAMEWEE & PETER CHONG 導演:黃明志 Director NAMEWEE 攝影指導:呂啟銘 D.O.P. CHI-MING LU 說的話 你從來都不想聽 You're a bad listener 卻又滔滔不絕出征反擊 But retaliate on each one there is 不明白 到底辱了你哪裡 I wonder how I have offended you 總覺得世界與你為敵 You assume the world your enemy 你說我 (屬於你) You claim that (I belong to you) 別逃避 (快回家裡) Don't deny (ask me to return) 一點都不能少都讓你贏 (不講道理) Never let go any part (give me an explanation) 你要我 (去說明) You urged me (confess to the world) 不可分割的關係 Our inseparable relationship 還要呵護著你易碎玻璃 And take care your heart of glass 對不起傷害了你 Pardon me for offending 傷了你的感情 Hurt you of your feeling 我聽見有個聲音 Oh I hear a sound 是玻璃心碎一地 Fragile self-esteem has broken into pieces 對不起是我太任性 Pardon me my honesty 講真話總讓人傷心 The truth does always hurts you badly 或許不該太直白 超直白 Perhaps I shouldn't be blunt I'm So Sorry I'm So Sorry 又讓你森七七 Don't angry lil' pink...