
目前顯示的是 10月, 2021的文章


  昨日開始在仁化街的走廊擺攤,開張第一天就遇到滴答的雨天,真是開張大吉啊。   第一天開張,一共就四位客人,二位消費。一位學員看我在準備,好心的說 : 「幫 老師開賣 。」選購 了三條口罩扣帶。另一位學員以前常玩拼布手工,留下來一樣一樣看了之後,也買了三條口罩扣帶。三號客人,看了看之後說: 「好了,我知道了。」什麼也沒買的走了。四號客人是看到 「回收暖暖包」及 「回收牛仔衣褲」的告示,停下來了解詳情的。   今晚的收獲之一,是發現秋燕還有排放商品的技能。佈完點先回家一趟的我,回來後發現東西的擺放方式改變了,而且比我之前放得方式還好看。真是讚讚的秋燕。   這個開張的夜晚,最捧的該是聽著雨聲、車聲及隔壁店家的音樂聲,將部落格的文章中翻英吧!譯了半篇福德宮的 「中壇元帥」 ,嗯......成績算是不錯。發現 「玉皇大帝」在維基英文版被稱為 「Jade Emperor」,也可算是收獲之一。不過我更希望是忙著收貨款沒空做這些事。祈望業績會越來越棒。

陳情令 雲夢雙傑這件事魏嬰食言了嗎 Did Wei Ying Break His Promise About the Pride Twin of Yunmeng

  第十四集魏嬰對江澄說:「姑蘇有雙璧算什麼,咱們雲夢就有雙傑。」在第四十八集的觀音廟中,面對江澄的怨懟,魏嬰對江澄說:「對不起,我食言了。」   In the EP14, Wei Ying said to Jiang Cheng: "So if Lan clan of Gusu has its Jade Twin? Jiang clan of Yunmeng will have its Pride Twin!" In EP48, facing Jiang Cheng’s grievances, Wei Ying said to Jiang Cheng, "I'm sorry, I broke my promise."   從表象來看,魏嬰是不在江澄身邊。十六年來江澄獨自主持雲夢江氏,很是孤單及辛苦。但事實上,雲夢雙傑早就在魏嬰將金丹給江澄的那一刻起就實現了。魏嬰一直在他體內,沒有離開過。   From the appearance, Wei Ying is not by Jiang Cheng's side. For 16 years, Jiang Cheng alone hosted the Yunmeng Jiang family, very lonely and hard. But in fact, the Pride Twin of Yunmeng had already been realized the moment Wei Ying gave Jiang Cheng the golden core. Wei Ying has been inside him all the time and has never left.   隨便拒絕給魏嬰以外的人拔出劍鞘,連藍湛也不行,但江澄卻可以 拔得出來。不就是因為他體內有魏嬰的金丹嗎?陳情會攻擊想觸碰它的人,但卻可以被江澄好好的收藏十六年,不也是因為金丹嗎?   "Whatever" refuses to pull out the scabbard for anyone other than Wei Ying, even Lan Zhan can't do it, but Jiang Cheng can pull it out...

陳情令 令人折服的命名13 - 清河不淨世 The Untamed: Admirable naming13 - the Yet Clean Realm in Qinghe

  《陳情令》中有一些與佛教相關的引用,在命名方面除了江厭離外, 另一個引用是「清河不淨世」!   There are some references related to Buddhism  In "The Untamed" . In terms of naming, besides Jiang Yanli, another one is "the Yet Clean Realm in Qinghe"!   在中國有段時間稱為魏晉南北朝(220年-589年)。是一段朝代更迭速度快,多個政權並存及對峙的時代。由於當政者對佛教的崇拜及相關作為,大量生活在底層無權無勢的人民,為了逃避苦難而信奉佛教,出家為僧為尼,佛教在此時盛行於中國北方。據說北魏的宗室清河王元懌還曾將自己的住宅捐出,作為佛寺供僧尼使用。    For a period of time in China, it was called the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties (220-589). It was a period of rapid dynasty change, and multiple regimes coexisted and confronted each other. Due to the worship of Buddhism and related actions by those in power, a large number of powerless people living at the bottom believed in Buddhism in order to escape suffering and became monks and nuns. Buddhism prevailed in northern China at this time. It is said that Yuanyi (the King of Qinghe), a royal family member of the Northern Wei Dynasty, donated his house as a Buddhist temple for monks and nuns.   不淨觀(梵語:a-ś...