舊劇回顧:狼殿下 - 肖戰 The Wolf - Xiao Zhen
這部2020年的中劇,會引起我的注意,完全是因為肖戰。自從看了《陳情令》後,就開始找他演的古裝劇來看。之前二次看此劇,都是第一集還沒看完就棄劇了。原因有二,首先當然是一直沒看到肖戰出場,再來就是故事內容偏幼稚。這次趁元旦連假,終於完整看完全劇。 This drama (premiered in 2020) will attract my attention, it is entirely because of Xiao Zhan. Ever since I watched "The Untamed", I started to look for the costume drama he played. I watched this play twice before, but I abandoned it before finishing EP1 watching. There are two reasons. First of all, of course, I have never seen Xiao Zhan appear in EP1, and secondly, the content of the story is naive. This time I took advantage of the New Year's Day holiday, and finally watched it all. 我發現中劇宣傳的「領銜主演」,和我認知上的「首席」出入很大。肖戰在這部劇中,根本只是男二,且到第十一集中間才登場。初登場的賞金獵人疾沖造型還不錯,但後期 溍國川王的造型感覺上就不太好看。 I found that the "male protagonists" promoted by Chinese TV dramas are very different from the "lead actors" in my perception. Xiao Zhan is only a supporting actor in this play, and he did not appear until the EP11. The first appearance of the bounty ...